Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Ways to reduce getting ovarian cancer

Every women when hear of ovarian cancer there is a scare in their eyes as ovarian cancer is a silent killers and when the systoms diagnose it s already in a the advance stage or in some higher stage. There are some others ways how to reduce the risk of contacting the disease. Women who are taking birth control pills will reduce the by more 50 percentage of contacting ovarian cancer then womem who do not take the birth control pills.

Breast feeding is another ways in reducing your change of getting ovarian cancer. Study has found whomen who has more then one kids and who is breastfeeding their baby has lower rate of getting this disease then whomen who does not breastfeed at all. Using fallopian tubes if the couple sid no more to baby show significantly the reduce of your risks of getting ovarian cancer by more then sixty percent. People who are consuming two or more cups of green tea a day over a period of time may reduce the risk of ovarian cancer as compared with women who drank no tea.


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